
Monday 7 September 2015

Interview with Naisargi Bhatt- By Nainika Gautam

Naisargi Bhatt is a simple girl with simple dreams! She spends most of her time in pursuing answers to questions still unknown in this serendipitous journey of life. She has completed her schooling from Nadiad (Gujarat) and is currently studying Biotechnology. 

She believes that writing gives her the pleasure of creation as there exists a creator in everyone's life and writing is wonderful way to manifest that creator. No matter how good or bad your writing is, expressing yourself is the key to happiness. Writing makes her world a bigger place, helps her to organize her thoughts and sort out her emotions. Grammatically speaking, she is an ellipsis looking for an exclamation point to fill this empty void. 

She can be contacted at:

To read her story in Crumpled Voices-2, order your copy here: Amazon/Flipkart

Here we get to know her closely:

Nainika: Hi Naisargi, how would you like to introduce yourself?

Naisargi: I have asked many questions, but there is one question, which I would pursue the answer even in darkest pits of hell, the question is: Who Am I? 
Someone indefinable... Mystery unfolding before my own eyes and the moments of life! I am a story, thousands of inky foot prints and acquaintance of every person I met.

Nainika: So tell us about your journey as a writer till now?

Naisargi: My journey as a writer was like a caterpillar, it crawled slowly over the thorns from roses, and no one could ever imagine what it would turn into... But it did, it really did turn into something great. There inside the pupa filled with lot many what ifs, thoughts, rejections, elation which crackled like a tickling time bomb of opportunities. Finally the cocoon busted like a loud firework in the darkest sky and the butterfly shot itself out in the most unreal reality.

Nainika: What do you consider to be most challenging part of your writing?

Naisargi: The most challenging part- ha-ha! Its hell writing and its hell not writing the only tolerable state is having just written! I have seen it all... Idea Drought, Artificial Haze, Scattered Thoughts, Unstable Atmosphere, High Pressure Front, Drizzle of Inspiration, Creative Downpour, Unexplained Phenomena.... Writing is a challenge no doubt but then we need to trust the process!

Nainika: According to you how important is it to read for a writer?

Naisargi: Benjamin Franklin truly said "Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing"! Yeah a writer has two things to do: read a lot and write a lot there's no shortcut. This is it!

Nainika: Which part of publishing is your least favorite?

Naisargi: Nothing is least favorite. Publishing though is a very very dreadful task.... But as in this was my first " getting published" experience...the waiting time for the book to come and finally see my name there was a little bit a kind of "magical uncertainty" you know that 'yeah the courier is here and that's your book'- that feeling is ecstatic..

Nainika: Tell us something about your story, “Eighteen” in Crumpled Voices-2.

Naisargi: About "EIGHTEEN" I would like to say, it isn't actually a story, it’s poetry about every girl, about every woman- a mother, daughter, wife, sister, friend... It's about how she stands up for herself and her beliefs. And how she embraces her title.

Nainika: Who all are the lead characters of your story?

Naisargi: As I said the women are the main characters of this poem. They speak their mind, think their own thoughts, and refuse to tolerate injustice.... She is quite capable of articulating her needs. She is a woman and only she has this ability to smile and handle the trouble and carry heavy worldly burdens.

Nainika: Are the characters of your story inspired from real life?

Naisargi: The character of my poem actually is inspired by a mother, teacher, grandmother, sister, and every relation a girl is wrapped into! It's a message to the girls, to the women who tolerate injustice, to be courageous enough to allow themselves to be their own identity rather than living on conditions.

Nainika: How was experience with Gargi Publishers?

Naisargi: My experience with Gargi Publishers was great and amazing adding up to it, it was satisfactory and very positive.

Nainika: What would be your message for our dear readers?

Naisargi: To my readers I would like to say nobody ever told me how hard it is to chase a dream. I stumbled sometimes, the road to destiny got steep and my body threatened to collapse! But if the world can come crashing down, a wave of words can save all... Keep following and achieving your dreams, stop not till the goal is reached.
(This interview was taken by Nainika Gautam under the internship program by Gargi Publishers)

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