
Thursday 28 May 2015


From childhood, the world in which we live, teaches us to bury our ‘bad’ past somewhere deep inside us, so deep, that even we can’t dig it back and after that just move on.

What happens when a 10 year old child, who claims to be your future son, comes to you to help you find a perfect match for his mother? What happens when eventually you start to doubt on his intentions? What happens when a girl starts to turn your dreams into nightmares? What happens when your ‘Future son’ starts to haunt you? What happens when your FUTURE starts to bleed in your PRESENT through your PAST?
‘Hey Dad! Meet My Mom!!!’ is nothing less than a roller coaster ride of comedy, fear, love and don't forget to expect the unexpected!


Sandeep Sharma (21), a dreamer from Agra, the city of love and the Taj Mahal, is currently in his final year pursuing B. Tech (Civil Engineering) from JSS Academy of Technical Education, Noida. He is very passionate about writing and has been writing short stories for a personal blog since 5 years. He has also co-founded 'The Author's Blog' which is a kind of a platform which tries to bridge the gap between authors and readers. He is an avid reader and loves to review books on his blog. He has been previously associated with many anthologies as a contributing author. He loves to spend most of his time with his parents. According to him, "Parents always have so much to teach, it's just a matter of your learning desire and time." He can be contacted through: E-Mail: Facebook:

Leepi Agrawal is a final year student and a gold medalist for her academic excellence in Masters of Computer Applications at Indus University, Ahmedabad. She has won the TechFest in April 2014 at college and state Level. It is said that books are a person’s best friend, so Leepi started spending her time with this special friend who then led her to write stories and poems at an early age. The Times of India gave wings to her writing by publishing her works in their esteemed newspaper. She is quite obsessed with writing, wires and machines and subsequently her obsession have turned into her passion and profession.

Imagine you are living a stereotype bachelor life and all of sudden a boy pops out of nowhere calling you ‘Dad’. Your life surely going to turn upside down with the fact that only you can see the boy, I mean your future son, who is extremely willing to introduce you to his future Mom.

Hmmm. I know story seems awesome na and truly it is an awesome work by Sandeep Sharma and Leepi Agrawal. A wonderful concept. Title itself will amaze you. Somehow I thought that the story would be of a young aged son trying to patch up his Dad’s lost love as its typical story of some movies. But as soon as I read blurb and dived into novel I found it interesting. The beginning was little bit boring but with entry of Rishi it became catchy. It could be more impressive and different from popular fictions but unnecessary intimate scenes has placed it in category of popular fictions. As described in blurb its really a roller coaster ride of suspense, love and mystery. However fear was the ingredient, which I found missing.
Writing style is also good one. Scribbling scattered across novel are soul-touching and the poem in chapter 19 was out of this world. So wonderful expression of love and it reminded me of Victorian era poets.
I wish great future to both the writers and wish to read many more works from them.
My rating for this work is 4/5.

“Hey Dad! Meet my Mom”, doesn’t the title itself pulls you towards it as if holding a mystery and waiting to unveil and read by you. This is a story that revolves around the corrugated edges of protagonist’s life leading you to a suspenseful end and an unpredictable tale. The story covers the uninvited events of Puneet’s life and the story basically showcases the power of true love.

As the back cover says:”
Right since childhood, the world in which we live teaches us to bury our ‘bad’ past somewhere deep inside us and just move on. So deep, that even we can’t possibly dig it back out.

What happens when a 10 year old child, who claims to be your future son, comes to you to help you find his mother, who’s your perfect match? What happens when you eventually start doubting his intentions? What happens when a girl starts turning your dreams into nightmares? What happens when your ‘future son’ starts haunting you? What happens when your FUTURE starts bleeding into your PRESENT through your PAST?
‘Hey Dad! Meet my Mom!!!’ is nothing less than a roller coaster ride of mystery, love, comedy, fear and suspense. So make sure you don’t forget to expect the unexpected!!!”
At first, I couldn’t guess what the story would be all about. After going through first few pages, I was not sure what it would serve next. But the turns of unheralded events made me glued to it and I completed it in a single sit. I was enjoying the twist exemplar’s life is having, and I was very much excited to know the amount of wit authors has used in the story and in wait as how they would twist the story.
Use of simple language and a determined flow made it easy to go with the story. For an amateur reader the writing style and the story curves very-well as it hold all the elements a novice is in search of. With a good amount of simplicity it holds, it doesn’t disappoint readers with its content. It proceeds in a very-precise manner outlining and covering the lead elements in a way that reader’s attention doesn’t get diverted from it.
A thread of suspense is nicely knitted in the story which plays it role very-well in order to make the story interesting. Some episodes are really fun in nature and are devoted to true love. Although one couldn’t completely relate to the story but it serves something different that is at least worth a read and squeezes less time of readers.
I found the pace of the story a bit quick as I didn’t get the time and space to get completely dissolve in the story. All the basic elements of the book like storyline, writing fashion, conversation, pace, narration fashion fails to touch the line of perfection. I would say that they all belong to a mediocre ethnicity that a reader who has gone through few books would like to spend some time with.
Mixture of wit, suspense, drooling emotions and love! A light and one-time read! A story dedicated to true-lovers!

A couple of days ago, I found out about this amazing book called, Hey Dad! Meet My Mom… Written by Sandeep Sharma and Leepi Agrawal. As soon as I read the blurb of this book, I knew I had to get my hands on it. There was something strangely beautiful and scary about this book’s title which intrigued me. I knew I just had to contact authors for review copy. One of the authors, Sandeep Sharma, was kind enough to courier me a review copy of this book and that’s when I embarked on the journey of this wonderful story.

If you ask me, the USP of Hey Dad! Meet My Mom is the story. This story is probably the most fascinating stories I have ever read. The story of HDM3 starts with a prologue, giving us the slightest hint of what is coming our way, but leaves us completely guessing at every turn and in utter shock throughout the book. The incidents taking place in the story are so unpredictable that you will never be able to guess what’s going to happen next. The story of HDM3 is like a dream; like a dream, it takes over our mind slowly and steadily with light humor and lollipop and later turns our imagination upside down leaving us baffled and confused at what’s going to happen next.
The most fascinating feature of this book is the dreams. The protagonist sees dreams or nightmares to be precise, in his sleep, which leaves him baffled and in fear and the way these dreams or nightmares have been incorporated in the book was my personal favourite part of the book. The dreams have a meaning, they say. In HDM3, dreams play a vital role. Without dreams, story of HDM3 would have felt like a body without soul. The manner in which authors have written the dreams or nightmares have seriously left me speechless.
Another fascinating feature of this book is original poems which go along with the story and the theme of the book. I really enjoyed the poem with which the novel ends. Every chapter comes with a few original verses which were very unique and interesting. For a poetry lover, this was a bonus! The authors have done seriously great job with original poems. Kudos to them!
But, one thing I didn’t really like about the book was the staleness of the language and the metaphors. Both the writers are still young and they have written a really good story. But, somewhere, the language and the metaphors failed to do justice, to the story. I kept wishing for paragraphs or sentences which I could mark as the noteworthy, but, I came empty handed. All I can say is that, there’s still scope for improvement in the language of both the authors.  
I would rate this wonderful book 3 out of 5 for the unpredictable story and the original poems written by the author. This book is recommended for all the book lovers who enjoy a light read during travelling or for those who love reading on a weekend night tucked in bed. This book is recommended to everyone who loves a good story with humor, romance, and mystery. And last but not the least, this is a book recommended to all the boys whose mothers are probably looking for a bride.

A devoted employee, a devoted son, a committed soul and untouched aspect of his life i.e love. It eludes him and it takes him to depressing waves of alone from where there's no going back. So what brings about a change in his life? Who will bring this change? How will the tussle of that peer marriage pressure end up? Who will take the fall and who will be the king at the end of it all? That's what the story is all about.

Some stories live on the unexpected lines. They devour from only their meat i.e the story line and this is one book which banks on it heavily. The book from all quarter spreads dollops of humor and manages to retain the charm of a witty book. It's not a long story but the presentation itself helps its cause. It keeps the balance maintained between the serious drama and the laughter take on the events. There's always that surprise aspect which keeps the story alive most of the time. It keeps you out of the slumber with it's unnerving and rolled on jokes and awkward scenes.
The book lacks some momentum towards the latter half. It fails to give a settled impression and rushes through. A bit more effort was required to keep the sanctity of the past and seriousness of the situation alive. It has been handled with rough edges. More care and intensity was required on that front in the latter half.
All in all the book is a real cum fiction dial-a-drama where there's loads of fun and tons of quirkiness and chirpiness. It never goes out of the line to make the readers laugh and sticks to the basics till the very end. Even the outlook looks magnificence personified with it's content. A book sure to ignored upon at the first casual glance but not to be written off completely.

A book with title like "hey Dad! Meet my mom" is surely going to develop an interest in you. Considering the same, I picked up this book written by Sandeep Sharma and Leepi Agarwal. I have been knowing Sandeep from a long time through his book reviews and videos that he used to release once upon a time. I always believe that the bloggers who are reviewing books are mediocre writers and therefore when they find a book with unimaginable creativity and in better language than their own, they rate it highly and the one they feel are poorer than what they can themselves attempt, they rate it badly. I believe that even if I'll try very hard my book won't be better than 2.5 stars considering the concept of mediocrity with which I associate every book reviewer with. :-) And I found the same about Sandeep while reading Hey Dad Meet My Mom.

The language of the authors is very simple and anyone who have just started reading novels will like reading this book. I liked that authors kept the book of 155 pages only because nothing new could have been done with the story if it had been thicker by 100 more pages. Initially, the arrival of Rishi does create an interest and I am happy that he is taken off from the story at the right moment as it starts irritating after a time. The flashback of Puneet's life came as a surprise and it develops an interest to read what exactly happened that's causing the traumatic experience in the protagonist's present life. Though I wish if it could have been written from a third person's voice. It would have suited the plot more. I felt in the climax that the concept which the authors are asking us to believe is a mere stupidity but when I searched on Internet about the few references that they have mentioned, I tried to accept the story. Though I am not completely satisfied but still I am not fully dejected by it.
I liked the way authors have tried to introduce a twist periodically to keep the readers intrigued and therefore I rate this book as average. A little mistake could have brought this book in a very bad light. It is surely a page turner as you want to know what exactly is about to get unfolded in the end. I just felt that the limitation of vocabulary and command in English language didn't let the authors express the emotions of each character as they wanted to. Similarly, I didn't find any conversation in sync just because of the same reason- the sentences' formation used to construct the emotions. Rest, I would say an average attempt. It is for the ones who believe in love blindly. I give it 2.5*.

Verdict: ☆☆☆ ½  A book written directly from the heart. A complete page-turner which will make you hooked to the book till the end with a wonderful imagination.

About The Author: Sandeep Sharma (21), a dreamer from Agra, the city of love and the Taj Mahal, is currently in his final year pursuing B. Tech (Civil Engineering) from JSS Academy of Technical Education, Noida. He is very passionate about writing and has been writing short stories for a personal blog since 5 years. He has also co-founded 'The Author's Blog' which is a kind of a platform which tries to bridge the gap between authors and readers. He is an avid reader and loves to review books on his blog. He has been previously associated with many anthologies as a contributing author. He loves to spend most of his time with his parents. According to him, "Parents always have so much to teach, it's just a matter of your learning desire and time." He can be contacted through: E-Mail: Facebook:
Leepi Agrawal is a final year student and a gold medalist for her academic excellence in Masters of Computer Applications at Indus University, Ahmedabad. She has won the TechFest in April 2014 at college and state Level. It is said that books are a person’s best friend, so Leepi started spending her time with this special friend who then led her to write stories and poems at an early age. The Times of India gave wings to her writing by publishing her works in their esteemed newspaper. She is quite obsessed with writing, wires and machines and subsequently her obsession have turned into her passion and profession.
About the Book: Right since childhood, the world in which we live teaches us to bury our 'bad' past somewhere deep inside us and just move on. So deep, that even we can't possibly dig it back out. What happens when a 10 year old child, who claims to be your future son, comes to you to help you find his mother, who's your perfect match? What happens when you eventually start doubting his intentions? What happens when a girl starts turning your dreams into nightmares? What happens when your 'future son' starts haunting you? What happens when your FUTURE starts bleeding into your PRESENT through your PAST? 'Hey Dad! Meet My Mom!!!' is nothing less than a roller coaster ride of mystery, love, comedy, fear and suspense. So make sure you don't forget to expect the unexpected!!
Review:  First look of the cover and Title profession you think that it is the kind of parenting book or a boy searching for his mother. But don’t get yourself fooled by the cover and title. Do read this book. The blurb will make you get attracted to read the book. It is sort of paranormal love story. Not ghosts are involved, but there are certain aspects which makes it Paranormal. But these aspects make the book interesting and you will be hooked to the book till the end. It is completely a page-turner. Every page will make you think what will happen next and it will create your interests to read the book till the end. The concept is unexpected. Whatever concept you thought in your mind, you will find the book totally different. That is the highlight of the book. The book has a certain romantic element, certain fear, darkness and humor, which make it interesting to read. Puneet’s life till the end make the book a very dramatic tale. Overall a nice and Interesting Tale.
Drawback: The concept was very interesting, but I felt it should be more polished. There should be some more witty element. The latter part should have some more maturity element. There should be some more to the story. All the best to both the Authors. Keep writing.


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